Photographed for Concertworks
Beast in Black made a triumphant return to Edmonton’s Starlite Room with the likes of Dance With The Dead in tow!
Looking for more of my work and antics? Follow me on Instagram!
Beast in Black
Photographed for Concertworks
Beast in Black made a triumphant return to Edmonton’s Starlite Room with the likes of Dance With The Dead in tow!
Looking for more of my work and antics? Follow me on Instagram!
Guess who’s back, back again! Although I’m not the real Slim Shady, and I certainly am not going to stand up, I will however welcome you to another year end blog! It’s fashionably late, but hey, we’re here now, so that’s okay!
2022 felt like a whirlwind for me. Which was both a blessing and a curse. Concerts and events came back with reckless abandon, and it’s really a thing of beauty. Having missed this part of my life for the better part of 2 years, admittedly, it was difficult to get back into the swing of things, and truthfully… It still kind of is. But, thankfully, I was given the opportunity to cover some remarkable events in 2022, and have had some wicked experiences along the way. So without further adieu, grab yourself a beverage and keep on reading!
Throughout 2022, I had the pleasure of photographing 19 shows, 1 music video and 5 promotional photoshoots. I made the executive decision to sit out festivals this year, simply because I wanted a little extra “me time” over the summer months to enjoy my garden, spend time with my dogs and to go on some much needed camping adventures. The music video I filmed was a ton of fun, and I genuinely mean that. With such a simple set up, I feel like Tessitura and I were able to capture the dark and moody vibe that they were going for with this particular tune, and that’s a nice cherry on top of the whole endeavor. Check that video out HERE. I know what you might be thinking: “Where the hell are the jump photos?!” I hate to disappoint you… But all 5 of my press shoots in 2022 were studio based, and well… It just didn’t really happen. I know that’s a piss-poor excuse, but that’s what I’m going with. Don’t hate me, I’ll do better in 2023! To satiate the craving for a little extra out of the press photoshoots I did, here’s a little gallery of some of my favourite individual shots; they’re all favourites for a variety of reasons (mainly being that these individuals totally murdered their solo-camera time during our shoot) and are in no particular order:
Overall, the year felt like it was really touch-and-go with shows for me. I don’t know if that’s the burn-out talking, or if that’s just the reality of things. The handful of local shows I both photographed and attended as a spectator had wicked turn outs, and that’s always an awesome thing to see. Maybe more so now than previous years, ya know, ‘cause of the Vid wreaking havoc on everybody and everything fun in life, and all that. However, seeing a great swell in local attendance is only something to be happy about and thankful for. If I can speak plainly, and let’s be honest… This is my blog, so I’m gonna… Leading up to the pandemic stricken years, show attendance on the local level was kind of meh. So seeing a plethora of familiar and new faces at these local gigs can only mean good things ahead. Or so one can hope.
As for the big-time shows… To summarize them into one word? Explosive. Seeing internationally touring bands coming out of the pandemic swinging with both fists had me all sorts of stoked. Although many were ones that I have photographed before, and don’t get me wrong, I’ll happily photograph them again, there were a few bucket-list gigs that had me over the moon: Blackberry Smoke, Opeth and Avril Lavigne to name a few, although one of those gigs I really had a bone to pick with… 10 points if you actually follow my half-assed blog and can guess which one I’m talking about 👀 Much like the local gigs, it was just great to be within the atmosphere of live music again.
In truth, 2022’s rendition of concert events was really great. Yeah, it was slower than it maybe should have been for me, but as I’m sure many of you know and can relate, burn out is a great, big bitch. It’s something that I’ve been wrestling with for the last year, and I’m making it a goal to overcome it and kick it’s ass. Nothing is quite as gut-wrenching as looking at something I once revolved my whole life around, and feeling apathetic towards it. Perhaps I’m going through some sort of a phase, or a transition of thought, but either way, I’m looking forward to bursting out of it, quite like how Ace Ventura busted out of an animatronic rhino that one time.
On the flip side, I had another big year on a personal level. Many awesome things happened, and I’ll only speak on a few of them, otherwise you’ll be here for way too long. Between huge advancements like locking down a solid job that I enjoy doing most days to getting a drivers license (I know, some of you might be thinking “Isn’t she like, 30? and just getting a license now?” I’m 29, and yes, trauma sometimes creates late bloomers so shuddup.) This is a huge deal for me, and if you know me personally, you’ll understand why. Let’s brighten the mood, eh? I had a great year growing my passion project! If you’re not familiar, I’m currently on a journey of creating a photo-documentary of the dogs that reside in Edmonton, and I call it The Edmonton Dog Blog. It fills my cup to meet like-minded dog-people in the city who are down to share their dogs’ story, regardless of whether it’s peachy or heartbreaking. It’s totally adorable, and if you’re a dog-obsessed person like me, I think you’ll love it. I also got engaged! That’s right, someone went and put a ring on it, and I’m totally smitten. I’m looking forward to continuing the many musical and foodie inspired adventures that we’ll have forevermore. Who would have thought that someone who hired me to photograph their CD release at The Artery so many years ago would be asking me to spend their life with them. Pretty fuckin’ cute.
Alright, alright, mushy stuff aside, I had a massive achievement occur in 2022, and I really don’t think anything will top it. To give you a little backstory: In 2015 I photographed the formidable rock ‘n roll gods of AC/DC at Commonwealth Stadium in the pouring rain. This was my first stadium-level show, ever. So needless to say, it holds a sentimental place in my heart. Little did I know (or quite frankly, did anybody know) during this particular performance, frontman Brian Johnson completely lost his hearing. Fast forward to 2022, Mr Brian Johnson puts out an autobiography called The Lives of Brian, and wants to retell this specific story about how he lost his hearing during a gig in Edmonton. An email from Penguin Publishing comes across my inbox, asking to license an image. The image in question? One that I photographed during that show back in 2015! After pinching myself and agreeing to a deal with Penguin Publishing, I’m extremely proud to say that I’m officially internationally published in Brian Johnson’s book that’s currently being sold and read by book lovers and music fans all over the globe! Check the little carousel below for photos of the book, the photo in the book, and the photo I also had featured on Good Morning America during the release campaign of the book. The broadcast that features my photo can be seen HERE.
Okay folks, lets put a pin in this, shall we? If you’ve made it to this point… Congratulations! I’d like to extend a nice, healthy THANK YOU! Thank you everyone who has supported me throughout 2022, whether it was calling me for photo services, or referring me to your friends, thank you for letting me be a small part of your lives as musicians, music fans and lovers of photography.
You know the drill, I’m bringing another year end blog to a close, in the best way I know. I've sorted through the hundreds of photos that I've snapped over the course of the year and have compiled some of my personal favorites into a little gallery (in no particular order) for you to feast your eyes upon. I want to wish everyone (especially you ride or die homies who stuck through yet another on of my year end blogs) all the love, happiness and success in 2023! Let's kick it’s ass together, shall we?
From my heart to yours, HAPPY (late) NEW YEAR! 😘
Corey Taylor of Slipknot @ Rogers Place - April 15, 2022
April got real busy, real fast. But you won’t catch me complaining! Kicking off the month properly with Blackberry Smoke was a total treat. I had bought tickets for this show back when it was announced in early 2020, but thanks to the pandemic, it was rescheduled 2 times before finally being able to happen. It was well worth the wait, though! Midway hosted the show, and everything just sounded top notch. Aside from being a wicked-good shoot, Blackberry Smoke nailed every song they played, along with their “Cripple Creek” cover, which put a cherry on top of the evening.
Filming music videos is totally new territory for me, but I was thrilled to film one for Tessitura. Despite the drummer being my partner, and although that sometimes leads to us butting heads when discussing creative things, Gord and I sat on this particular dark, chaotic, strobey concept for some time. So, at last we decided to put our boots to the floor and spent a few days building a shoot-space for the video, and really rounding out the concept. The band is due to release a new album in June, so to unveil the first track off of the album, we applied our concept to the song “Gallows”, and I think it compliments the aggressive mood and overall in-your-face nature of the tune. We’ve got more video things in the bag for Tessitura, but I’m not spilling the beans on those just yet.
I always love shooting local talent. I cut my teeth on these local bands, and I’ll never not answer the call to photograph them when they need. It’s such a mutual benefit, plus there’s SO much hidden talent right here under our noses, and it’s a shame that more people aren’t aware of it. So naturally, when Skepsis asked me to photograph their album release show, I accepted. I’m glad I did, despite the show being a fuckin’ banger, I really needed an evening out. Upon receiving news of there being a death in my family, an evening surrounded by good friends and of course, seeing Skepsis melt faces at Shaker’s Roadhouse was just what my soul needed. I’m so proud of these guys for putting out this banger EP, and it was truly a pleasure to have them in front of my lens.
Watch me throw you a content-curve ball here. In case you didn’t get that joke, the curve ball is photos of a pop artist amongst these images of heavy metal performers. I was able to walk the halls of Rogers Place again this month, and it sure felt good. Imagine Dragons was a great first for getting back into the swing of things with arena-scale shows. This was my second time shooting them, and it was just as exciting as the first. Despite their music not really being my cup of tea, they put on a damn good show, and are hella entertaining to watch. They also won some brownie points among photographers on this tour cycle (I think). If by some wild chance one of them reads this shit blog, thanks for having confetti blasts during your first three songs, dudes!
Now this is the real deal right here. And by this, I mean Slipknot. It was almost poetic in a way — Back in 2015, Slipknot was my first arena show, ever. Now that the pandemic is pretending to be over, fast forward 7 years later, Slipknot is my first arena metal show after 2 years of nothing. It was like it was meant to be in a way. Or so I tell myself that. This set was composed of their crowd pleaser tunes, and people at Rogers Place just ate it up. It’s been a minute since I’ve seen people fly over the barricade that aggressively, and whether it’s because this is the first large-scale metal show to hit Edmonton in 2 years, or if it’s because, well, it’s fucking Slipknot, I’m not sure. Either way, I was anticipating this show for a very long time, and it was a total thrill to shoot Slipknot once again, and it felt even better to be warmly welcomed back into the environment.
Returning to the Starlite Room to shoot European powerhouses in Beast In Black was simply magical. The energy that this band produces and connects to their audience with is something that you don’t see very often, but it was really something to behold. Especially so, considering that this is Beast In Black’s first North American tour. Needless to say, I think their impression of Canada (at least) has been great, which is promising for future tours. Leading the pack with fellow power metallers in Seven Kingdoms, and of course Edmonton’s hometown heroes in Striker all shared the bill with Beast In Black. People went absolutely ape-shit for this show, and it was something that really filled my cup this month.
Rounding out the month of April with some homies is always the cherry on top of my monthly round up of photos. Have I mentioned how much I love working with local talent? I don’t really care if I sound like a broken record with this matter, ‘cause I’m saying it again! (deal with it). I had a wonderful time reconnecting with some old friends in Purple City DIsco as they opened up the Starlite Room for Electric Six on the 30th. Something about local groovy funk bands just gets me, and Purple City Disco is where it’s at.
Thank YOU for taking a hot minute (or two) to read my April recap blog! Got questions regarding what I shot throughout the month of April? Send me an email HERE with your concert photo questions, let’s nerd-out! But until then, stick around to get the scoop on May’s recap!