Well damn, y’all. We made it to 2025! Hell yeah for us. As per usual, I’m happily sitting in my home office with my sweet little westie, Ozzy, sleeping on my lap, and I’m ready to recap on the whirlwind we know as 2024. If you want to know what’s up, keep on reading. If you’re just here for the pics, just scroll on and peep them below.
I know, I know… I screwed the pooch on sharing my galleries more frequently in 2024, despite my best intentions to keep up with it. Regardless of my lack of activity on this blog section of my website, I did have the opportunity to photograph some pretty stellar shows over the year, and shot a few super fun press shoots with some cool Edmonton talent.
My recap of the year is going to be all over the place, because there was a TON of cool stuff that happened this year, photography and personal-life wise. A stark highlight for me is of course, covering the epic 2-day banger weekend that the almighty Metallica brought to Edmonton in August. The band did a total Edmonton take-over across the city for the weekend, and brought something like 100,000 visitors to the area for the event. Insane. The cherry on top of this particular weekend? Having Bastardane and OTTTO play The Starlite Room. Why is this event the cherry on top? I’ll lay it out for you in a very cut-and-dried way: Castor Hetfield is the drummer of Bastardane. Ty Trujillo is the bassist in OTTTO. These two talented kats are parented by members of Metallica. With this show happening on the “break night”, James Hetfield and Robert Trujillo came down to The Starlite Room to watch their kids play. Through it all, it was so cool to not only have musical legends in one of Edmonton’s most iconic venues, but to see them supporting their kids and enjoying watching them do their thing. It was just a wild experience all around. My favourite part? Briefly meeting these two legends, and having Robert sign one of my photos that I took of him back in 2017. I have this highlighted on my stories on Instagram if you care to see the shot.
Another highlight that’s certainly nothing to sneeze at, was the wildly successful maiden year of Infest. It was a 3 day banger festival of underground bands that spanned multiple venues in Edmonton, and it was really something to behold. Between the grit of the music and the camaraderie of seeing good friends from other cities, I’d be a filthy liar if I said I’m not already stoked for the next round of fun that Infest throws at us.
Overall, 2024 was a pretty interesting year. For me, it was a year of growth and learning. I had the pleasure of photographing a handful of local and international bands in numerous venues across the city, I made some really great working relationships, kickstarted my own marketing sole-proprietorship, and began to branched out from the typical band photography work you usually see me do. If personal success is a mountain, this bitch is climbing it. Or at least trying to, day by day. There are a ton of things to look forward to in 2025; Growing my reach with music photography, growing my business, getting married to my best friend, and traveling to various places for fun activities. Needless to say, the future looks bright!
It’s January and currently raining outside (which is wack, if you’re not from Edmonton) So ya gurl here is hunkering down for the day in the form of a blanket-burrito. But before I go back into hermit-mode, I’d like to thank everyone who has been a positive contributor to my 2024. Whether you were someone who hired me for your show or press photos, someone who took the time to say hello, or simply someone who likes and follows my posts: Thank you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. So, without further adieu, please enjoy 30 of my favourite photos of 2024, in no particular order, and have a kick ass 2025! Happy (late) New Year!